5 Steps to Effective Content Marketing

Published: Wed, 04/03/13

Greetings from Eric Wilkes.
I wanted to drop you a line because I ran across a really
cool video today that gave some tremendous value about
marketing I thought you could benefit from...
>> Click HERE to watch the video now.
Here's the skinny...
[Direct Response vs. Content Marketing Lead Generation]
Case study:
lead cost of direct response = $295/lead.
Lead cost with content marketing = $30/lead.
Now, I think BOTH are still very high - even for the niche in
this case study... But these things are for sure..
1.) SEO can bring you endless low or no cost traffic.
2.) By leading with information (ie - value), you build
rapport with your prospective clients and make the sales
process FASTER.
3.) While I still love direct response, SEO allows you to
build a long term ASSET... a piece of internet real estate
that can be sold for HUGE profits (the Huffington Post
sold to AOL for $315 million!)
Here's the video:
>> http://www.marketingexperiments.com/marketing-optimization/effective-content-marketing.html
Eric Wilkes