The wolf that ate my mother-in-law...

Published: Thu, 01/15/15

The following is a true story.

Anywho, here's the down-low:

My mother-in law recently joined a business, yes one of those pyramid things and subsequently gave her upline my wife's contact info. Fortunately my wife knows the individual (so it wasn't weird when she received a phone call). 

The person on the other end of the phone said "Your mom REALLY wants you to look at this business and grab a spot, it's growing like crazy you gotta get in now." (NOTE: My mother-in-law never said any of that, she joined because she had a product experience and wanted the discount)

But the fact that my mother-in-law sold us out for a discount is still pretty cut-throat.

There was no "Hi, how are you?"

No, "What have you been up to?"

And not ONCE was my wife or myself ever asked if we were even remotely interested in looking, joining, purchasing, or promoting...

NONE of that...

We were being "TOLD" what we should do.

To make it worse we were repeatedly told we should make a list of...

YEP! You guessed it, our own friends and family so this lady could follow-up with our "LEADS" for us!

HA-freakin'-HA, yeah RIGHT!

My wife felt used and straight up like a bloody piece of meat with a hungry wolf standing over her salivating at the mouth ready to eat.

Moral of the story...

Don't be the wolf.

WARNING: If you attempt to grow your business this way, you will fail miserably (maybe you already are), you'll be perceived as an a-hole, and nothing more than a sleezy salesman...

Ask what people are looking for and if they're even interested before you puke all over someone.

When you ask questions, you gain control of the conversation and are able to steer your propsects down a path in which they have already mentally agreed to follow.

Ask don't tell, It's one of the simplest ways known to man in order to sell anything you want.

For more info on how to build a business online without telling and using sleezy sales tactics like bugging your friends and family, check out this short 60 minute training:

Don't delay the inevitable, watch it now.

-Eric Wilkes