How to Say it and not Spray it!

Published: Wed, 01/21/15

Lets do a quick "Q&A" session today.

QUESTION: It seems like a lot of people let the fear of not knowing how to "Sell" stop them. How can I share my opportunity without them seeing it as something scary to do?

ANSWER: Yes, fear of success is common.

But I think it's ok to be a bit fearful. After-all, you're stepping into an unknown realm. You're out of your comfort zone. You're doing something you've probably never attempted or achieved before. It's ok to be scared.

In order to overcome this fear it comes with time and practice. The more you present your product, opportunity, or service to others the more confidence you will gain. Sooner or later you'll get over the hump of your first few sales and you'll be so confident you could sell ice to an eskimo.


I struggle with meeting people. So how do I take advantage of everyday encounters to prospect without making people run away.

ANSWER: Great question! Did you first ask them if they were interested in your product, opportunity or service?...Say it, don't spray it! Most people vomit all over their prospects and forget to ask if they're even interested!

The art of the approach is simple. Ask if they're willing to listen. If your prospect says yes, then briefly explain but don't give them the whole pie. The trick is to give them enough info to want more...then direct them to where they get more!

IE: Hello PROSPECT's name, I'm giving you a call because I see like me you're passionate about your health. Let me ask you a question, are you still trying to look and feel younger?

Do you see how that works? I said it, then asked if they were open to more! That's it! Keep it simple.

Then I would say something like...

Great! Well one of things I do is help people look and feel younger everyday! If I could honestly show you a way you could....would it be worth 30 minutes of your time to learn more?

Then send them where they can get more info! Simple right?

Alrighty, last one...

QUESTION: How do I sign up people online?

ANSWER: First you must have a website, then you must learn how to drive targeted visitors to that website. Track and measure your results. It's a very simple process. Most people over complicate it.

It's explained in more detail inside the ELITE Marketing Pro training course -- The same course I've used to personally grow my business online.

It's highly valuable stuff that teaches you the basic skillset you'll need to grow a very profitable online business.

Learn more at:

-Eric Wilkes