The REAL reason you're stuck...

Published: Wed, 01/14/15

Wanted to ask you a question...

Have you ever seen those science expirements where researchers drop mice into a big maze and see if they can find their way out?

The one's where the mice simply go back and forth in the same part of the maze...

And RARELY find their way out?

If not, watch Animal Planet or something, would ya :)

Anyway, do you ever feel like that at all with your business?

Going back and forth between this 'deal' and that one, not sure which is gonna work.

Which isn't.

Or what you're doing right (and more likely, Wrong)?

Yea, me too.

I don't think anyone is ever far away from that feeling, especially when you're outside of your comfort zone.

You're always dealing with something new..

Something not familiar.

Something not comfortable.

You may even be feeling that way right now.

Wanna know how I overcome those feelings?

It's simple actually.

I have a coach.

Someone I can email, call, communicate with when I get STUCK.

When I look back on my online career, I can truly say that the first coaches I hired, were THE turning point for me finding success.


Those 'coaches', cost me THOUSANDS of dollars, and all I really got was to 'hang out' with them for 3 days.

(I'm shaking my head right now, just thinking about the investments I've made).

But after that weekend, something changed.

I realized that those guys weren't much different from me.

They just had a few years of experience and skills
on me, but...


Talk about a mindset shift.


The ONLY reason you're not where you want to be right now is because your skillsets don't dictate it.

Learn the skillsets you're missing and success if inevitable.

(Don't...and, well, you're those maze mice).

Now that we've identified one of the biggest leverage points for you, in your business...

How do you capitalize?

Most likely, you don't have an extra $9k laying around to hire the coaches I did.

Nor do you have a few thousand to invest in ALL the courses you need to develop the skills required to nearly GUARANTEE success.


If you have $47 a month...

A burning desire to be successful...

Are coachable...

Are willing to invest the time...

You can get access to EVERY piece of training material you need to develop your skillsets.


You get your very OWN COACH, to help you navigate learning the skillsets you need...

And getting you the results and making you $$.

If you don't have a blueprint for the next 90 days, to take your business to $1k, $5k, $10k+ per month, go here NOW and get started:


You can do NOTHING.

Continue running around like the maze mice.

Buying useless, outdated course, after course.

And never get anywhere.

It's your choice.

To your success,

Eric Wilkes

P.S.  I believe in you.  I believe you deserve to be wildly successful, as long as you're willing to take action and put in the work.

If I can be of help in ANY way, feel free to reach out to me and my team (AKA my amazing wife :) and let us know how we can help.
