The law of "repulsion"

Published: Fri, 01/23/15

The "law of attraction" irks me.

At least the way most wannabe cow herding goo-roos teach it.

It became popular with the movie called "The Secret". It gives the idea that you can think about all your wants and desires REALLY hard, visualize them in your mind and magically those things would "attract" into your life.

What a bunch of hocus pocus nonsense.

Most goo-roos I see out there teaching this stuff aren't giving you the whole story.

Lemme explain.

If you could actually think positive thoughts and visualize your needs, wants and desires then do nothing and receive everything you could dream and I both know we wouldn't be having this conversation.

I won't say it can't happen.

By all means, it totally can.

But you have to take action and move in the direction of your dreams.

If and only if there's a mutual "attraction" will you gravitate in the right direction.

For instance, if you meet a new prospect and there's a personality conflict, naturally you're not gonna gravitate towards each other. You're not "attracted". But if there's a mutual benefit in the connection you'll both magically gravitate in the same direction towards each other because you're "attracted" to one another.

You follow me?

You dream about that new car, the new home, becoming debt free, spending more time with your family, but then take no action to move in the direction of actually acquiring those're not actually "attracting" anything.

In fact it precisely the opposite. You'll end up further away from where you want to be.

Do you see how that works?

How you attract the right people, customers, and anything you could ever think of into your life is you first have to put yourself out there. You have to get off yer as and get moving.

Too many 'so-called' goo-roos teaching "attraction marketing" don't tell you about the work that's actually involved in making the "law of attraction" perform it's magic. It's not easy and very few are cut out to really make it happen.

Instead they'll just hype you up and sell you "yet another product" that will solve all life's problems and promise you fame and fortunes if you just think about your dreams. Then all the 'cows' will follow.

I think we both know by now it's complete non-sense.

Even comical.

You have to make the conscious choice and decision...

"Do I want to be safe and good the rest of my life, or do I want to take a chance and do something great?"

-Eric Wilkes

PS - This all boils down learning how to sell. Most are scared of it and because of this they resort to "thinking" about life's dreams and desires.

But you won't attract it without consistent action.

If you want it, go get it, it's yours for the taking.

And if you work hard, everything you've ever dreamed of can, and will come true.

This is something we go deep into inside Elite Marketing Pro, we call it "Lifestyle Design". Learn more about how you can finally get ahead in life, and start the foundation for living your dream: