Lessons learned from Frank the Tank...

Published: Mon, 02/02/15

You know Frank the Tank right?

The guy who who really wanted to go to Home Depot on a Saturday and then to Bed Bath & Beyond if he had enough time...Right before he got drunk at a college party...


His life after marriage changed for the better, but only for a moment. It didn't take long for Frank to revert back to his old college ways. He partied all the time, went streaking through the quad up into the gymnasium, and became self-centered a-hole. Eventually it cost him his marriage.

I often see the same pattern when someone starts a business and immediately gets results.

You start off in an upward direction, you make a little bit of money and start to see the light of freedom it can offer. Then, just like that, BAM! Istead of using your profits to grow your business even bigger you do silly things like paying of debt. 

Or worse, you have your first big month and you completely self-sabotage your success. You have thoughts of self-doubt, and that you don't deserve the kind of success that you're looking for.

Like Frank The Tank, you love the idea of marriage (in your case owning a business) but you're not committed. It's easy to quit and give up like Frank did.

But what we can all learn from Frank is that you MUST stay committed. Stay true to yourself at the core. Follow your gut, open your heart and discover what true freedom means to you and never give up.

It's why I love Elite Marketing Pro so much. The community of people involved will lift you up if you're having a bad day. They'll prepare you for your successes (and failures too), and set you on the right track for creating a better life. Not to mention you're given a simple, step-by-step, easy to follow system that makes success as easy as falling off a chair.

So hop on over to the link below and get started today:

See you inside,

Eric Wilkes